Nebo School District FCCLA National Qualifiers

Submitted by nikki.argyle on
Nebo School District National QualifiersNLC STAR Event qualifiers were determined using a standard deviation tool that adjusts students’ scores positively and negatively based on scores that a set of judges assigns. All of the region scores were put into this tool to determine who our National Qualifiers are for 2019-2020!
Aubrey Turnbow

FCCLA New Adviser of the Year is One of Nebo's BEST!

Submitted by nikki.argyle on
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America New Adviser of the Year Awarded to Nebo's very own Morgan Rhoton! 

We are so proud to announce that Morgan Rhoton was selected as 2019-2020 Utah FCCLA New Adviser of the Year! Utah State FCCLA has been strengthened by her willingness to be a leader. Morgan was recognized for her commitment to FCCLA and acknowledged how she has made a difference at the local and state level by going the extra mile.

Aubrey Turnbow

Prostart Team Highlights 2020

Submitted by nikki.argyle on
This month we had Prostart Culinary Arts teams compete at region and state Prostart from Springville, Maple Mountain, Spanish Fork, and Salem Hills High School. Nebo teachers dedicate much time to help prepare their students for competition. The students go above and beyond to create a gourmet meal for a fine dining establishment. Great job with your teams this year! 
Aubrey Turnbow

MMHS FBLA Highlights

Submitted by nikki.argyle on

Maple Mountain FBLA was able to participate in their State Competition earlier this month. These competitors did a great job and represented our district and their school very well!

Eldon Van Orman- 3rd Place in Banking and Financial Systems, 7th in Accounting II, and 8th in Computer Applications. Kimball Call- 9th Place in Impromptu Speaking. These competitors have a shot at the National Competition as well. Great work!

Seth Spainhower

Census 2020

Submitted by nikki.argyle on

The U.S. Census Bureau has embarked on a nationwide effort to inform everyone living in the United States and five of its territories about the upcoming 2020 Census and to encourage them to respond online, by phone, or by mail.

Everyone counts. The census counts every person living in the U.S. once, only once, and in the right places.

It’s about fair representation. Every 10 years, the results of the census are used to reapportion the House of Representatives, determining how many seats each state gets.

Lana Hiskey

SHHS is home to Utah Broadcasting Teacher of the Year!

Submitted by nikki.argyle on

This year Nebo's very own Angela Nederhand received the Utah Broadcasting Teacher of the year award. She took 9 students to the awards on March 6th where she ended up being awarded as well. Angela continues to grow her video broadcasting program at Salem Hills High School. Congratulations Angela! #CTEteachers #UtahCTE 

Aubrey Turnbow


Submitted by nikki.argyle on

The CTE Expo is coming, and we want you to be a part of it!  The CTE Expo will be held on May 14th from 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds.  Admission is free to all Nebo students and family members.  Plan a for a night out with your family and enjoy fun activities, food, student competitions, student showcases, and much more!

Kelly Seale

SheTech Explorer

Submitted by nikki.argyle on

SheTech Explorer Day is a hands-on tech conference is on April 15, 2020, for high school girls ninth through twelfth grade. This day-long event will include hands-on workshops in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).  The ultimate goal is to expose girls to technology in a fun atmosphere as well as meet STEM role models to learn more about opportunities in those fields. Girls who attend will have access to internships, receive a SheTech certificate, receive pathway information and become part of a community to help girls have opportunities in STEM.

"Fishing For Careers" - Springville High Career Fair

Submitted by nikki.argyle on

In February for CTE Month during lunch, students were "Fishing for Careers". Students were made aware of the AWESOME CAREER CHOICES  they get to make individually and the possibility of an INTERNSHIP. "They can't just leave it to chance" explains Mr. Black as each kid pulled over a new career pathway during the fishing activity. This activity was a prelude to the Career Fair that will be held on March 25th where students will be able to visit with professionals from around the valley who have been successful in their career choices. 

Shaun Black